Normally a nice dinner or a getaway would be the perfect way to celebrate. But a few years ago when Frank asked what I wanted to do for my birthday, I was at a loss.
It had been a hard couple of months filled with health challenges and I wanted to do something out of the ordinary. After tossing a few ideas around, I decided we should climb Stone Mountain. Initially Frank wasn't on board but, he came around.
I was excited leading up to our adventure but, on the way I started thinking, "Lord have mercy! What in the world were you thinking....Do you really want to do this!!!??" Since it took some convincing to get there, I was not about to change my mind.
The distance from the bottom to the summit is only about a mile. But, if you’re not an avid hiker... I'm not ... you need to eat your Wheaties and borrow some in order to get to the top.
Maneuvering the rocks was rather challenging and to make matters worse, it was cold. I paused more than a few times to catch my breath. And trust me ... those railings were a whole gift from God to keep us from slipping. Did I mention it was cold?
I'm not sure how long it took us. We didn’t measure time, we just enjoyed the moments. When we arrived at the top, the struggles of the climb took a back seat. Feelings of relief settled in like a gentle breeze. I guess it's sort of how you feel when you accomplish any goal.
We’re already in the second month of the new year and I'm still writing my goals. Have you already finished? If your answer is yes, just know ... I’m officially your fan.
I'll admit there's more than a little residue from last year. Even though I had some wins, there were goals I didn‘t complete. This year I'm making efforts to be more intentional about what I want and mapping out the steps I need to take to get there.
Some desires I’ve placed before the Lord seem massive ... like Stone Mountain. And to be honest, I have no idea how I’ll reach them. But, when I to try to figure out the particulars or start thinking things won't work out, I'm reminded of the lessons from the climb.
Mindset is important. Proverbs 23:17 tells us, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” girls included No matter what the goal or task is, make a conscious decision to finish before you start. You don't have to know the what, the when or the how. Just refuse to give up. Don't accept anything less than accomplishing what you set out to do.
Small things prepare you for big things.
That year I challenged myself to make 7000 steps at least four days a week. Going around and around a track or park didn’t seem like much but, it gave me the strength to climb. If you're not where you want to be, keep moving. There's power in consistency.
It's not a sprint.
Some people ran up the mountain ... we walked. But, we all arrived at the same destination. Focusing on who’s ahead of you can be distracting and discouraging. Move at your own God pace and trust His timing.
Every day is a new opportunity to begin again. So keep dreaming, keep setting goals and keep climbing. When you get to the top, thank God for the journey and enjoy the view.
Your Sister Friend,