As a child, pencils and paper were my constant companions. They provided the canvas for songs, poetry and stories. Writing gave my introverted personality the freedom to soar.
This long time passion made choosing Journalism as a college major an easy choice. I had no idea that two months shy of graduation, God would transform my life for his glory. He offered me salvation and opened my heart to receive it.
For the longest time I've tossed around the idea of writing a devotional to share my faith journey.
Finally, here we are! The name, One Purpose,
originates from a prayer, Lord help me please you that I've whispered to God more times that I can count.
My Frank and our daughters Waver and Bayley have cheered me on during this process. And the fact that you're joining me on this adventure makes my heart more than happy.
As we chat , I pray that you'll be encouraged to run hard after God and have a greater desire to please him.
Your Sister Friend,