I don't know if it's because I've used up all of my creativity during the day or the fact that I'm "dog tired" when I go to bed. Whatever the reason, I would say that I rarely dream. And if I do, I don't remember any of it. But, there's one dream that has stayed with me for the last couple of years. It was like a flashing neon marquee that gave me direction when I was at a major fork in the road concerning my advertising agency, Hill Street Media.... shameless plug
Cue harps for dream music
I was fishing. Mind you, I've never been fishing. It seemed as though I had been sitting there for a while and then my perspective changed to an aerial view. Surprisingly there wasn't any water in the pond. Not a drop. And, there weren't any fish. I had been sitting there anticipating catching fish and there was Nothing! All of a sudden, I heard a voice say, "Shift to the right." I turned ever so slightly to the right and there was another pond but, this time it was full of water and the fish were leaping in every direction. The voice in the dream kept giving me the same instructions. And, as I made the 360 turn, I was surrounded by full ponds and an incredible amount of fish, except for where I was sitting. After I completed the circle, I heard the voice much louder say, "Shift to the right!" and I woke up.
Now let's be clear, I have no claim to fame in interpreting dreams. But, I knew this dream wasn't as much about fish and ponds as it was about change. I had clients and systems that were clearly not working. It seemed as though I was spinning my wheels but, I was at a lost on how to fix it. And wouldn't you just know, the word shift means to "change positions or direction". It seemed as though I was hearing this word everywhere. As a matter of fact, in the front of my bible I wrote, "change is the sign of life". But honestly, my definition of change was much different. And let's just say that it wasn't on my "to do list". However, God had something else in mind. I'd be lying if I said the process was easy. But, I gained some precious nuggets along the way that will hopefully encourage you just in case you're at a pivotal point in your life or career. So here we go.
God is faithful. Some of our circumstances completely challenge what we believe about our God. Questions like, "Will he bring me out of this? Will this ever change? What if he doesn't provide?" along with similar tormenting thoughts flood our minds. That's when we have to become vigilant and intentional about declaring the word of God. It's the perfect time to start wielding scriptures like, "He who promised is faithful" - Hebrews 10:23 and "It's impossible for God to lie." - Numbers 23 :19, as we war against the enemy of our souls. See, the enemy knows that if he can drag us over into fear, doubt and unbelief he wins. But tell yourself, "Not so!" God has never failed me and he's not about to start. Go ahead and declare it out loud....My God is faithful and he will take care of every one of my needs. Now clap your hands and say "Amen"! oops! I went a little churchy on you.
God will send help in the shift. You don't have to go it alone. While I was trying to figure out my next step, my friend (Hey Latissa!) told me about Called 4 Women, a business round table group for Christian women. These ladies were more than amazing. They were fierce in business, strong believers, innovative, creative and the list just goes on and on - talk about "exceedingly more than you ask, hope or think" - Ephesians 3:20. And the beautiful thing is,they were willing to come along side of me. I didn't have to ask, they offered. God had already provided what I needed and they were willing to pour into my life. My responsibility was to cooperate, put in the work and shift.
Shifting is necessary to fulfill your purpose. Here's the good news....we were all created with purpose. Navigating the journey is the interesting part. I mean, giving up the familiar is scary and loosing what you would prefer to hold on to is painful. But when we do, God unearths the gifts and talents that have been lying dormant. Oh yeah! Greatness is in the inside of us but, the pressure of change makes it come alive.
My shift resulted in me losing one of my larger clients which was heartbreaking and terrifying at the same time. God dried up my water source so that I could grow. But, being true to his word, he provided another opportunity. I was the answer to their problem and they were the solution to mine. Isn't it funny how God works?!
So now it's your turn. Take some time today and do a self check. Do you sense that God is nudging you to change? Go ahead and shift. God has already gone before you so, it's safe to step into the unknown. Maybe one day I'll meet you down at the pond for a good ol fishing party. There's plenty of fish for us all.
Loving Jesus,
SO good! Great reminder and an encouragement for me.
Change is scary! But you remind us that He often instigates the change we fear the most.
Very encouraging words
That word SHIFT has been in my spirit for months. Very encouraging.😇
Very informative and insightful. Thanks for sharing your progress with us. It’s Encouraging to know better things are ahead and we need to push through.