My friend knew the side roads and short cuts in the city. "It's easy", she'd say while running down the directions to my next stop. Unfortunately it didn't take long for Charlie Brown's teacher to completely take over the conversation. To counteract my confusion, I'd scribble the directions on whatever was available. (This was pre Google Maps.)
But inevitably what was supposed to take thirty minutes morphed into almost a two hour adventure. I wasn't just lost. I was lost lost!
You see at some point, the directions from my friend, who was a native of the city, looked as if they were taking me the wrong way. Sooo.... I, the one who's directionally challenged, chose a different route.
If I'm honest, I'm guilty of doing the same with God. He's given precise instructions yet I've created my own. Surely God wouldn’t lead us on a path that caused pain or blatantly bypassed our plans. Would He? In reality, often times than not, God calls us to do hard things. He beckons us to walk out assignments we’d rather run away from.
In reality, often times than not, God calls us to do hard things. He beckons us to walk out assignments we’d rather run away from.
Jonah found himself in a similar situation. The people of Nineveh were known for their extreme corruption and violence. In his opinion they didn’t deserve saving. As a matter of fact, the Ninevites were so cruel, Jonah wanted them to be punished. But, God had a redemption strategy that required Jonah’s cooperation.
Unfortunately things went a little off course when Jonah decided to ditch God's plan. Instead of going to Nineveh, he boarded a ship destined to Tarshish, which was approximately 2,500 miles in the opposite direction.
There are times when we have the privilege of choice. But even then, choosing outside the will and purpose of God alters everything. Instead of gaining freedom, we set ourselves on a dangerous and sometimes deadly course. As it relates to Jonah, God’s directions weren’t options. They were commands the Prophet chose to disobey.
I don’t think Jonah imagined God would respond to his disobedience by sending a storm that resulted in him being thrown overboard. And I’m pretty sure he didn’t anticipate God appointing a great fish to swallow him up. - Jonah 1:4-17
The truth of the matter is, we can’t foresee or dictate the consequences of resisting God.
Yet despite Jonah’s wayward behavior, God was determined to get his attention. And, He did. Three days in the belly of a fish is a pretty big eye opener!
The truth of the matter is, we can’t foresee or dictate the consequences of resisting God.
After traveling way too long, it was obvious I had no idea where I was going. Stopping and asking for help was the only solution. Are you a member of the “Chose My Own Way”crew? Since it's just the two of us, let's talk. How's it working out? Do you feel lost? Are you exhausted and frustrated? Do you need help finding the right path?
You know the enemy wants us to think we've gone so far in the wrong direction that we could never get back. But that, my friend, is so not true! God is waiting for us to turn in His direction.
While Jonah was in the fish he prayed, remembered and repented. - Jonah 2
The change in his heart posture led to a course correction. The same can be true for us.
As our hearts soften towards the things of God, our feet will move in His direction. Why not start today by charting a new path? Just know, in spite of how it looks, God’s ways lead to hope, joy, peace and purpose. And I’m fully convinced there’s only one way …. and that’s His way.
Your Sister Friend,